The use of strong acid H2SO4 stimulant (AN-ORGANIC) in effort to improve resin results in Perum Perhutani area is proved not safe for workers and the environment. On the other hand, eco-friendly stimulants such as ETRAT has been used in most areas of Perhutani and wood vinegar were developed. This research is aimed to identify strategies of eco-friendly stimulant use policies in tapping pine. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews to several informants consisting of tapper community, foreman, Ranger, Head of RPh, Head of KPH, Deputy head of KPH, NTFPs section chief, Head and deputy chief Production Unit. Selection of informants is carried out purposively that is derived from pine resin producing areas 3 largest in Perum Perhutani (KPH Banyumas West, KPH Kediri and KPH Sukabumi). The results showed that the strategy of eco-friendly stimulant use policies could be adopted by Perhutani with four strategies: 1) Increase the use of eco-friendly stimulant by utilizing eco-friendly wood vinegar-based stimulant produced by Perhutani; 2) Implement eco-friendly wood vinegar-based stimulant produced by Perhutani to press the price of an expensive eco-friendly stimulant; 3) Increase the use of eco-friendly and safer stimulant innovation to convince Perhutani so that eco-friendly stimulant can be accepted and used extensively; and 4) Press eco-friendly stimulant prices through innovations that could be accepted usage in Perhutani thoroughly.
Published in | Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Volume 3, Issue 4) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.aff.20140304.15 |
Page(s) | 240-248 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2014. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Stimulant, Eco-Friendly, Tapping, Pine, Policy Strategy
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APA Style
Sukadaryati. (2014). Strategies of Eco-Friendly Stimulant Use Policy in Perum Perhutani, Indonesia. Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 3(4), 240-248.
ACS Style
Sukadaryati. Strategies of Eco-Friendly Stimulant Use Policy in Perum Perhutani, Indonesia. Agric. For. Fish. 2014, 3(4), 240-248. doi: 10.11648/j.aff.20140304.15
AMA Style
Sukadaryati. Strategies of Eco-Friendly Stimulant Use Policy in Perum Perhutani, Indonesia. Agric For Fish. 2014;3(4):240-248. doi: 10.11648/j.aff.20140304.15
@article{10.11648/j.aff.20140304.15, author = {Sukadaryati}, title = {Strategies of Eco-Friendly Stimulant Use Policy in Perum Perhutani, Indonesia}, journal = {Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries}, volume = {3}, number = {4}, pages = {240-248}, doi = {10.11648/j.aff.20140304.15}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {The use of strong acid H2SO4 stimulant (AN-ORGANIC) in effort to improve resin results in Perum Perhutani area is proved not safe for workers and the environment. On the other hand, eco-friendly stimulants such as ETRAT has been used in most areas of Perhutani and wood vinegar were developed. This research is aimed to identify strategies of eco-friendly stimulant use policies in tapping pine. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews to several informants consisting of tapper community, foreman, Ranger, Head of RPh, Head of KPH, Deputy head of KPH, NTFPs section chief, Head and deputy chief Production Unit. Selection of informants is carried out purposively that is derived from pine resin producing areas 3 largest in Perum Perhutani (KPH Banyumas West, KPH Kediri and KPH Sukabumi). The results showed that the strategy of eco-friendly stimulant use policies could be adopted by Perhutani with four strategies: 1) Increase the use of eco-friendly stimulant by utilizing eco-friendly wood vinegar-based stimulant produced by Perhutani; 2) Implement eco-friendly wood vinegar-based stimulant produced by Perhutani to press the price of an expensive eco-friendly stimulant; 3) Increase the use of eco-friendly and safer stimulant innovation to convince Perhutani so that eco-friendly stimulant can be accepted and used extensively; and 4) Press eco-friendly stimulant prices through innovations that could be accepted usage in Perhutani thoroughly.}, year = {2014} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Strategies of Eco-Friendly Stimulant Use Policy in Perum Perhutani, Indonesia AU - Sukadaryati Y1 - 2014/08/20 PY - 2014 N1 - DO - 10.11648/j.aff.20140304.15 T2 - Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries JF - Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries JO - Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries SP - 240 EP - 248 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2328-5648 UR - AB - The use of strong acid H2SO4 stimulant (AN-ORGANIC) in effort to improve resin results in Perum Perhutani area is proved not safe for workers and the environment. On the other hand, eco-friendly stimulants such as ETRAT has been used in most areas of Perhutani and wood vinegar were developed. This research is aimed to identify strategies of eco-friendly stimulant use policies in tapping pine. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interviews to several informants consisting of tapper community, foreman, Ranger, Head of RPh, Head of KPH, Deputy head of KPH, NTFPs section chief, Head and deputy chief Production Unit. Selection of informants is carried out purposively that is derived from pine resin producing areas 3 largest in Perum Perhutani (KPH Banyumas West, KPH Kediri and KPH Sukabumi). The results showed that the strategy of eco-friendly stimulant use policies could be adopted by Perhutani with four strategies: 1) Increase the use of eco-friendly stimulant by utilizing eco-friendly wood vinegar-based stimulant produced by Perhutani; 2) Implement eco-friendly wood vinegar-based stimulant produced by Perhutani to press the price of an expensive eco-friendly stimulant; 3) Increase the use of eco-friendly and safer stimulant innovation to convince Perhutani so that eco-friendly stimulant can be accepted and used extensively; and 4) Press eco-friendly stimulant prices through innovations that could be accepted usage in Perhutani thoroughly. VL - 3 IS - 4 ER -